It starts in childhood as the rational children try to interact with others but are unsuccessful because what comes to their mind to communicate or do for fun comes off as odd to other children since the sensors are always more prevalent in societies and do not easily accept what they perceive as an abnormality or significant difference in others.
The rationals may initially be depressed or morose about this; however, as they grow, and develop their personality more they are highly likely to conclude that the failure to connect with others is due to majority of children (sensors) being too stupid to interact with what the rational has to say and to do. This can turn into grandiosity, an unrealistic sense of superiority.
It isn't the case that sensors are less intelligent as commonly believed by rations. Sensors are very capably mentally. The key is that sensors and intuitives have different kinds of intelligence. One type of intelligence cannot be truly deemed the best. Anyone who says otherwise is looking at intelligence in a superficial way. On computers CPU , RAM, and memory storage are all very important. They are all useful and prudent for different tasks and different situations. The one aspect of a computer cannot be generalized to be worthless based off of one scenario. Large amounts of memory storage for example, will be useless to the common PC users, but suppose a business needs a computer to store records. Then, the memory storage is the most need aspect in that ONE SCENARIO, not all scenarios.
People relate to computers in this way. Each person has a unique type of intelligence. This allows for a diverse and prosperous society since every person has a role to fill that fits their natural strengths. Differences are not a valid reason to hate or think less of others. I enjoyed a world where more people understood this.
I wonder if things we flipped,a world dominated by N's and far less S's, would the N's behavior be considered normal, and S behavior odd? Would Sensors then be the elitist ones, would look down on everyone around them? Would N's think Sensors were greater because they are different and be self-conscious about themselves being N's instead of S's and not feeling good enough? Who knows that would be very interesting.