Bilbo is a home loving and complacent hobbit that is very weary of danger. He screams ISTJ. Like most ISTJs, "There is a lot more in him than you guess, and a deal more than he has any idea of himself." This quote, eloquently put by Gandalf, point to both the hidden strengths ISTJs have and the humility and lack of confidence very typical of them.
Frodo- INFP
Gandalf is an INTP. The P is obvious when he is compared to Saruman an obvious INTJ. When Gandalf tells Saruman about the Necromancer and the potential return of Sauron, Saurman is highly skeptical and assumes it is just a human dabbling in witchcraft. Gandalf is drawn to the innocent and weak Hobbits. He sees character strengths in people that are not visible on the surface. This is why he enlists the help of Bilbo and Frodo both of whom are physically incapable of dangerous combat.
Some more for funGimli- ESTP dwarfs are stereotypical Se users
Aragorn/ HE- ESTJ
Thorin- ESTJ
Hello everyone, I am the MBTI Maniac, and this is a blog about mbti personalities in modern culture and practical everyday life.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Monday, December 24, 2012
Social misfits: Rudolph
Which types are the biggest misfits?
Hermey- INTP
Yukon Cornelius- ENTP
Now, the biggest fits
Now, the biggest fits
Rudolph's Father Donner- ESTJ
Fireball- ESFP
Clarice- ISFJ
What type is the monster?
The Abominable Snowman- ESTP
King of the Misfits-ESTJ
Friday, December 21, 2012
Functional Attraction, a Myers-Briggs website, draws on the concept that a person gets along the best in a relationship with some one of "the same dominant function, but a different attitude,"(introverted or extroverted). A person with Introvert Sensing (Si) as their dominant function is best coupled with someone who has Extroverted Sensing as their dominant (Se). A relationship between an ISTJ and ESFP would be an example of this ideal pairing.
Defining and analyzing what seems attractive according to the dominant functions seems to support this claim.
Fi- Introverted feeling seeks to maintain an internal balance. It dislikes anything that disrupts this balance. It perceives the world through an emotional eye. Everything is understood by how it makes itself feel. Fi perceives things through its feelings. Fi 's perceptions are not attuned to the standards of anyone else. A hairstyle could be widely excepted and Fi will be bothered by it. Fi will desire mates whose appearances and characteristics do not conflict with their internal world of emotional perceptions. This means hairstyles and clothing, as well as offensive behavior can make a big difference in how a companion and others are viewed.
Fe- Seeks for external harmony. Fe dominants will want others to project themselves in a delight-some way and because of this healthy ones will try to project themselves in a pleasant manner as well. They will go to great lengths to dress and style their hair in a fashionable manner. They have instinctive perceptions of what does and does not look good, but they mostly desire to please others and be pleased by others in return. Because of this they are more sensitive to the standards others have for appearance. They will enjoy others who have a sense of style in their outward appearance and in their personality.
The Fe fits in perfectly with the Fi because both will be mindful of the emotions appearance and behavior will cause, yet is allows for grow. The Fi user will learn to care more about how others perceive them, and the Fe will learn to care less.
Ni- Seeks to draw meaning from all it considers and internalize it. It compares everything to this internal framework of data and meaning. Ni values others who can express themselves in a meaningful manner, and have something meaningful to say. Ni dominants value good looks in companions, but there has to be something captivating about the person inside the body other than appearance. Untypical physical characteristics are more likely to be seen as unique and attractive.
Ne- are hopeless romantics. They dare believe a spouse can be perfect. Looks, talents, and brains are all on their list. However, they are more likely than other types to have cross racial marriage. While they value looks they have the ability to over look it if they like the person inside;
Si- The ability to focus intensely on an object or the physical features someone has makes it difficult for looks to not matter; however, Si users understand that they will notice flaws in appearance regardless of how attractive a person initially appears, so they will not require a person to look perfect in order for them to be considered for a relationship. The two Si doms will differ greatly in what they want however. ISTJs will value a partner for there capabilities and loyalty. ISFJs will value an overall togetherness and pleasantness of character.
Se- Finite details can take some time to be noticed. A person may get away with an otherwise unsightly aspect of their appearance so long as it has not grabbed the Se user's attention or they have never deeply considered it a flaw. Se doms do not simply go for good looks, but they need them ( I am exaggerating a bit to make a point)! While they need to like the way their partner looks, their definitions and perceptions of looks are so broad, random, and scattered, that there is no telling who or what they will find attractive.
Ti- full of steam and analyses. Someone equally full of steam and analysis is a must for them.
Te- "I don't care about a pretty face, I want someone who makes me feel good." quoted from an ESTJ, I know, the Lord blessed him with a super hot wife anyway for being so good. This ENTJ girl I know is not the best looking but dates very attractive men. She uses her Se and needs as hot a man she can get and her outgoing Te Ni personality, is resourceful and wise about getting men (Even when she goes to an all girls school!)
Closing words until I update again (which I will!). Dating is not pure luck or talent, but a carefully calculable game. A person with a great strategy and determination, *cough* ENTJ *cough* can get what they want from it. The rest of us have to suck it up and be as smart and hardworking as they are.
Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Myers-Briggs types in this show are particularly interesting because the millennial items turn characters into their complete, four letter, opposites.
Yugi- INFP
Joey- ESTP
Tristan- ISTJ
Mai Valentine- ESTP
Serenity- ISFJ
Duke Delvin- ESFP
Mai Valentine- ESTP
Serenity- ISFJ
Duke Delvin- ESFP
Kaiba- INTJ
Mokuba- ESFP
Bakura- ISFP
Yami Bakura- ENTJ
Marik- ENFJ
Yami Marik (Melvin)- ISTP
Rex Raptor- ESTP
Bandit Keith- ESTJ
Saturday, December 1, 2012
The Myers Briggs Type Indicator Explained Simply
Your personality is identified by a grouping of four letters. Each letter has two chooses that depend upon which you naturally have a preference for. To get your personality, decide which letter fits you better than add those up. It looks like this ENTJ. Being both is not an option here. Just decide whichever one fits you more closely.
I or E
S or N
T or F
J or P
which stands for
Introvert or Extrovert
Sensing or Intuition
Thinking or Feeling
Judging or Perceiving
Now let me briefly explain each one.
Introvert or Extrovert
An introvert is more comfortable in a small group than a large.They will keep a lot to themselves unless they are only will one other person or a small group.
An extrovert loves to be around other people, and will feel more comfortable when having a group conversation rather than a one on one.
Sensing or Intuition
A sensor focuses on what they can identity with their senses. They are concrete rather than abstract.
An intuitor will be focused on the meaning of something rather than what they take in with their senses. They tend to be creative and unorthodox.
Thinking or Feeling
Being a thinker does not mean you are emotionless, but that you are less sensitive to emotion. Thinkers often are blunt and gruff, but they have emotional control and find it easier to be objective. Their view of the world is somewhat detached.
A feeler views the world from a more personal angle. They prefer to what makes themselves as well as others happy and are willing to sacrifice objectivity if they feel is it ruining there ability or the ability of others to enjoy life.
Judging or Perceiving.
A judger prefers to have structure and order in their lives. They are happier when the world around them is organized. Because of this they will enjoy having a plan so future events go as smoothly as possible. The down fall to the judging preference is when they have to act without a plan. Most have trouble acting in an reasonable manner when this occurs.
A perceiver prefers to go with the flow. They tend to focus on the present moment. Too much thinking of the future can be tiresome as well as too much seriousness.
This is only the basic and I encourage further research.
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