Sunday, August 31, 2014

Logic, belief

Arguments in a blatany fallacious format are pretty sure fire to trigger that in me though. Before even thinking about and spotting a fallacy, my brain automatically and instinctive picks up on the fallacy based upon how it perceived the argument. It's like having a sixth sense for logical fallacy. I perceive there's a fallacy first and instantaneously, then I need to think about it and pinpoint it's location. An explosion occurs causing my body to get a jolt, and then I notice it came from the northwest. I still think that instinctive, immediate response to a factual contradiction or logic contradiction is the cause of humor. It's a brain tickle of sorts. Humans can't know facts outside our own minds so really it's more so a contradicted in what is believed to be fact; thus, the things that either contradict what we believe will either make a person laugh or angry depending on how important the belief is to them.

The reason I keep bringing up this concept of what is "logically possible" vs what is physically possible is because the implications are huge. The laws of physics are only abolsute laws so long as no result of repeated experiments dispproves them. This extends to all commonly known and held facts about our world and universe. Facts are only facts because they've always been observed to be true so far; They're dependent on observation. If one day something that contradicts a fact is observed, it's no longer a fact; In science, it's no longer a law. The conclusion of this, is that there is basically no way to know that anything outside of the human mind is true and exists; so, people, can only believe and hold as true that there is a in fact a world them and that what they themselves and society observes in the external world is true. The Matrix. This doesn't mean we shouldn't believe in, live, and be very much lot in the world. This doesn't justify denying the physics. I''m not saying whatever a person believe is true; There's no need to be Buzz Lightyear, but I am saying everything outside of personal experience in the mind is taken on belief. The only reason the human mind is able to take video games and stories seriously at all is because it has no way of 100% proving directly to the mind it isn't real, so it keeps tabs on it, in case it's. The more a story begins to ressemble, coincide, and reaffirm facts we already believe the more the brain believes it's real. It pays attention to this information more resources to it. Sidenote: This brings attention to the fact that people don't have full control over what they believe. To a certain extent, the mind must be conditioned and coaxed into believing something. Getting the brain to believe something it doesn't want to believe can be frustrating. I've experience it, and I can imagine such. Now let's apply this to Kingdom Hearts and you.

Your brain doesn't want to believe Kingdom Hearts is real, but as you, Roger (your consciousness), wants to enjoy yourself, you want to believe it's real; however, because the information presented before you is causing so many contradictions in your current embodiment of beliefs, you'd have to get rid of them or think about how the two can coincide. Either way it's a frustating situation for you, So, you decide, "Screw it" and you don't take it seriously because you've decided you don't believe it's real. Perhaps you'd grant in some other universe with different rules it could exist, but it doesn't or couldn't exist in your universe. This causes a lack of care, and that's fine. I'm not judging or making an argument for what you should do. I enjoying explaining things because as I type out and explain something to someone else. I gain a ton of insights, and am able to better understand the topic myself. It's the benefit and reward of teaching. Huh, it's pretty interesting that there is one because I've wondered why someone would want to teach. It sounds absolutely awful to have to repeat the same information that I alright clearly know, over and over again. That's insane, but I guess this isn't really the cause at all most of the time. It seems to be true that as someone teaches something to another they learn something new.

Mental Health

I was thinking about something. I don't get sick, my mom doesn't get sick, my ESTP brother doesn't seem to get sick another ESTP guy I used to home teach said he doesn't get sick. Now, all of can get infected and sick or get diseases. You get sick easily and get allergies and so does your dad, but you personally, claim you aren't affected by anything, swearing, crudity, dark humor, etc. things that can be equated to mental germs, which cause mental sickness, poor health, and diseases. I think a person's type is genetic, considering it's basically the software-operating system, running inside of the brain, what else would it be; Resilence to germs and disease may be genetically greater for sensors; thus, sensors may be in part born resistentt to physical toxins while intuits may be resistent to mental diseases.  

I hypothesis we can compare the body to mind and say that the laws of physical health can be applied to the brain as well.
Laws of Health
1. Eat immune system strengthening  and cancer fighting foods which contain immune system and cancer fighting minerals vitamins and minerals. Vitamin c from Lemons, Limes, and oranges, vitamin A from carrots, vitamin E, K, Herbs and spices, orengano (Italian seasoning), etc.
2. Build up the immune system through gradual exposure to toxins. Pretty straight forward and explanatory. I would say using hand sanitizers, and washing hands and cleaning foods and touched surfaces too often hurts a person in the long run.
3. Exercise to release toxins from the body. It releases toxins through the pores and sweat. When overwhelmed with toxins, fat is stored and created in a body deal with the excess ive amount later to protect the body; to engulf and pacify toxins to the body such as chemicals, viruses, bacteria. When that fat is burned off the toxins should be burned off and exit the body throught the digestive track which the body can do now that it isn't overwhelmed with toxins to eliminate;  Also, the increased body temperature during exercise likely also helps kill harmful, viruses, bacteria, and microrganisms. This is probably another reason I like to take really hot baths so much. The high heat: first, kills the bacteria on the skin and surface of the body, then increases a person's internal body temperature killing germs on the inside, anf finally the high heat as well as the waters expands and loosens the pores to allow toxins and germs to exit into the water. So the water doesn't just deal with macro germs and dirtines (dirt and visible stains), but micro-germs and dirtiness.

So then the mental laws of good mental health are....

1. Strengthen the minds mental immune system with immune building and nutrious mental food. When thinking about what mental food is we have to understand how our minds work. First off, our minds are basically the embodiment of all the information we've taken in and how they are connected in the brain. So this makes the information itself the food and how it's connected is the digestion of the food. This concept that information, like nutrients, are the primarily source of nourishment for the brain that strengthens it. So, if the information is mental food, then it's we need to be careful about what we physically drawing from our environments as well as how we interpret it which is digestion. So what's healthy and opposingly unhealthy?

 Healthy mental food is, thoughts and ideas that are: positive, powerful, uplifting, motivating, and helpful etc. Imagination is the ability of man to see in his mind what is possible. If something is impossible, logically imposible, we can't even imagine it. A square circle can't even be imagined.

Here are some supporting examples for my hypthesis that exposure to information is literal food. There was this story I heard from a video with black and white pictures of the father and girl. The father kept the girl locked away inside away from other people with scarce and few interactions until she was around 10. When social services or someone, found her she couldn't talk, I'm certain of, or do basic things kids her age could do like walk, dress or feed herself, I believe.  Then, I'm pretty sure they, overtime, they were able to teach her these things; so, there you go; if a person does take in information: ideas, and thoughs, from the outside world, then there brain atrophies, and they become inept. Of course the properties and amounts needed are likely different than food and water. A person may be able to go longer without mental food and water than they can physical food, but as seen in people who develop alzheimers and other brain degenerate diseases in old age, the brain will suffer and break down, if a person ceases, to feed, nourish or exercise it. Social interaction seems to be an excellent way to feed and exercise the brain which is probably why I love and need it so much and frequently. I haven't looked anything up, but from what I can observe at all the churches I've been to as well what I know and have observed about the apostales, the development of alzheimers and other brain degenerative diseases is lower inside of the church than outside. There are plenty of super old high priests, bishops, stake presidents, and apostales their minds fail none of them. The information of the Gospel is very nourishing  studying it requires a lot of exercising, and system 2 thinking. So, there is inherent worth and value in the gospel afterall. It isn't simply about the reward in heaven to come. Living the gospel brings physical and mental health. 

The Gospel gives us not only a physical health code, but also a mental one. This is a personal gripe that I probably shouldn't have and need to work on. My gripe is when a general conference talk, general authority message, or anything said at church, is critical, chastizing, and negative. Because and when I'm hungry and starving for mental nourishment, it can at times hurt a lot of be lectured and scolded at the dinner table. Well, hmm, vegetables don't always taste good. Perhaps positive thoughts are sweet and tasty foods like are fruits, nuts, and honey, that are good for the body in only in only if you don't each too much. On the other hand negative critical thoughts are vegetables, perhaps some forms of beans, fungus, and meat. They're foods that don't taste good, but are good for you. Huh, so maybe there is such a thing as eaching to many vegetables. Vegetables are high in fiber, so perhaps if you eat too many vegetables, and too much fiber, then the body won't be able to digest it. The fiber and the negativity block out the positive and physical nutrients. Hmm, so positive thoughts and ideas are fuel; they are sugar. All food in the body is converted into glucose which is sugar; however, if a person eats too much sugar they'll get fat. If a person is never constructively critisized they'll get mentally fat. On the flip side, too much negativity can block and prevent the sugar from being digested

2.  Build up the immune system. So, gradual exposure to harmful mental food with toxins makes a person mentally stronger in the long-run. Going to public school probably actually makes a person mentally stronger while home schooling kids, or even possibly really strict private or charter schools probably makes them weaker.

3. Mental exercise, solving problems, using creatively to build or create something helps expunge toxins as well.

I'd add the pure knowledge, sensations and definitions of words, compare to proteins and carbohydrates which seem to be the foundation and staple of a healthy diet. The common analogy of "It's my meat and potatoes," seems to be based on what conventional wisdom has discovered through experience; that protein and carbohydrates are the bare minimum, essential nutrients of a diet. My nutrition class at school I'm taking confirms this. Alright, well that's about it. 

In summary and conclusion

All people should be aware of what information and intepretations come into their mind if they want to be mentally healthy. They need to monitor, sense data, thoughts, and any form of communication.This shall bring all ultimate happiness and glory.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Your Enneagram Fear can be Conquered

I'm don't believe that the negative fear aspect of enneagram always remains an  huge issue your whole life. In my experience once you conquer your fear it, it sort of stays dead and will only come back to life if you allow it.

I am an enneagram 1w9 or 9w1 and so one of my main fears is being flawed or morally corrupt. At the age of 14 I had to accept  two things that I considered major flaws at the time:
1. having a flawed appearence because of really bad acne and a newly realized crooked nose likely do to an trampoline accident as a kid. It didn''t show until my nose grew more.
2. I decided that I needed to confess certain sins to my mom and my bishop.

For the first one, my acne went away with accutane, but the crooked nose remained. It put me in a depressed and low self esteem spell for a few years, but I learned to not be so judgemental of others for their appearence, and to not care so much  if others found me odd looking.

The second one did bring me an intense amount of fear the first time I had to tell either of those, but after that I wasn't afraid to confess my sins to a Bishop at all or even a crowd of people or more if necessary.

It's the same way you overcome anyfear you face it head on. Like the fear of public speaking. Once you've done it a few times, the fear goes away.

If someone conquers their Enneagram fear. They become virtually untormented by it and much healthier. Then their enneagram just becomes the positive side, their key motivation, and then they are now able to focus on it.  

Perhaps, it's like Helen Keller and the moment she finally figured out the gestures her teacher placed in her hand, symbolized other objects. You're always going to be blind and deaf, but once you break through your barriers, they no longer hold you back and you are free to advance.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

The 4 Caterogires of Humor based off of Myers Briggs 2 (Simpler)

Easier and simplier because why not, I talk about stuff here that I failed to talk about stuff in the other message, so Hooray, centive.

Humor can be put into four catergories.

1. Sensation
2. Intuition
3. Logic
4. Emotion

Reductio ad Absurdum (reduce to absurdity in Latin) is the root cause of all genuine laughter, but there is a shortcut. You can signal absurdity is to follow. This will trick your mind into laughing even at the statement or conclusion even if it's true, and it's all through abnormality. 

Abnormalities sticks out in the brain, and cause it to anticipate that absurdity is to follow. If you can successfully trigger this physical anticipation in the brain, then you can make someone laugh without observing an actual reductio ad absurdum. The statement or conclusion is true, but the person is laughing out of pure anticipation.

For all of these the idea is that you want to do something that differs from the perceived norm.

The Sensual Way

Convey abnormality through the senses.

-Visually: change how you look; e.g. animate your face or body with silly faces and gestures
Change how you sound; induce abnormality in.tone of voice, inflection, tempo, volume, and any others. e.g. high pitched voice, speed up chipmunk voice, slow deep voice
-Kinestectically: change how you move and behave e.g. crazy dancing

Any other sensual oddities, though most other senses such as taste or smell don't have language or communication based off of them. You're more than welcome to make a taste and smell based language, but it'd be impractical.

The Intuitive Way

Convey abnormality through interpretation and meaning

Sacrasm- mean the opposite of what you say

Irony/ Inappropriate Association- Two things that don't go together e.g duck in suit, cow eating a hamburger at McDonalds (Your favorite analogy.) reference jokes

Satire/Parody- indirectly say something is absurd. Satire is a reductio ad absurdum where the premises and conclusion are hinted at or implied rather than out right stated. Parody is satire through demonstration.

Spoonersyms, uh other ones

The Logic way

State logical fallacies

The Emotion Way

Surprise or Shock someone. This is the one type of humor that 95% of Google search articles say is the main and only reason we laugh. We laugh because we instinctively want to warn others of the perceived danger was false. e.g Spontaneous and random anything. Spongebob throughs Gary over the bathtub and he pops to the ground.


Unfitting emotion- Have too much or too little emotion for the situation. e.g. screaming at the tops of your lungs because you got a paper cut,  Win a millions dollars with confete and a cheering crowd yet have a unamused Squidward face.

The 4 Catergories of Humor Based off of Myers Briggs 1 (Deeper)

First let me explain what I have deduced laughter to truly be. 

mental experience of laughter is the mind immediately perceiving the falsity or absurdity of information.
*immediate perception in philsophy and my use here is what is instantly knowable without any other means necesary. It's what takes place in the mind. *Note: that you can immediately perceive something is false through laughter, but you may be misperceiving the facts. You can laugh at things that are actually true, but it would be because you misperceived or misintpreted the information. Had you accurately perceived the information, you would for certain know that it's false should you have the experience of laughter.
*mind. e.g. Sensations, thoughts, feelings, imaginations. Note that laughter is a perception, which is very different from an interpretation, in that intpretation is how your mind understands information which is perceived.
You can reach this conclusion by realizing that 

1.Genuine laughter cannot be forced
2.An individual can deeply examine their own experience of laughter and everytime will conclude that the fundamental cause is a sense of falsity or oddity in some way and on some level.

A genuine experience of laughter is caused by an internal mental event or external stimulus. You can sort of force yourself to experience the perception of laughter, a forced laugh, but this truly is just recalling a stored experience of laughter once more.
I received this insight into humor based off of my understanding of psychology through the Myers Briggs Type Indicator. It deals with the deeper level of the indicator, the functions theory. So first I'll need to give you a crash course. 

You don't need to know the details of how the indicator works, but it'd certainly be helpful. I'll make my point and then give more details about the indicator with a wikipedia article link after it, so if you find your self confused or in need of a further explaination skip down to the bottom of the message. It is a useful tool for understanding people and characters.

What you need to know is that it give us four psychological catergories for the mind called "functions" Sensing, Intuition, Thinking, and Feeling. Each person is 1 of 16 types and each has four  functions in a specific order. The functions occupy different parts of the brain, so everyone can use them just not equally.

The 4 Psychological Catergories of Humor
1. Sensing
2. Intuition
3. Thinking
4. Feeling

What is Sensing? 

The sensing function is focused on what can immediately be perceived to be true. The most common and powerful tools for immediate perception are the senses though the sensing function is not limited to this. People who strongly use this function have a strong sense of physical, "real life" reality. Their perceived reality based on what they themselves have observed. There are two directions for each function, introversion or extroversion which determines where a person prefers introversion or extroversion when using a specific function. It's represented by an i or e next to the letter so Si means Introverted Sensing while Se represents. Intuition functions are represented by an N so it's not confusing with Introversion, which is represented by an I.

Sensing Humor- sensation is the foundation of knowledge, so false statements, lies, and abnormal behavior.  
All forms of lying, including exaggeration. " I was so hungry I ate 1000 eggs."
Funny faces, odd dancing, harmless slap-stick and socially abnormal behovior for light humor, and extreme violence and crudeness etc. for dark humor. Dark humor is basically taking delight in the harm of others or making light of it, it can be any form of harm, physical, mental, emotional etc.

What is Intuition? 

Intuition is naming, catergorizing, organizing,  and intpretating information. It's the part of the brain that stores information not acquired through the senses, hypothetical knowledge, such as language, imagination, or other abstract concepts. Side note: What I learned from my logic class is that no one can imagine what is logically impossible. No matter how hard I try, I can't imagine a square circle because the definition of a square and a circle contradict each other; So, under that premise, anything imaginable is logically possible. You can know something is true purely through hypothetical examples and logic, called dedecutive reasoning. Deductive reasoning is the basis of mathematics; it's the reason math can tell you information about the world without testing or evidence  /end side note. Intuition is heavily meaning and understanding based. It's very semantical rather than syntactical. Sensual perception is what you see, and intuitive perception is the interpretation of what you see.

A second side note: When a person's learning style it's most likely based off of the sensations the person initially used to create their abstract concepts. For exampe, a person who has a verbal learning style must have learned language and abstract conceptions through sound predominantly.

Intuition Humor- , perceivabled false intpretations of information and interpretations that lie outside of what one perceives to be normal interpretation; unfitting, uncommon, or abnormal associations and connections


Mistranslations, improper word use,  

What is Thinking?
The thinking functions lie in the part of the brain that enables the perception and use of logic. People acting out of their thinking function have a strong desire to be challenged and achieve.

Thinking a.k.a Logic Humor- perceiving or interpreting information as logically fallacious in some way.

What is Feeling?
Emotions, morals

Feeling humor-inappropriate abnormal emotions, intensly sobbing and wailing because someone offers you icecream, Shouting joy and victory dancing when you find a penny on a ground. Most swearing humor is emotional humor because it's swear words are expressions of extreme emotion, but extreme emotion rarely fits the situation. The same effect can be achieve by using other words that sybolise extreme emotion. " You ate the last cookie?!! I HATE YOU!!!

Karma jokes are emotional humor too, as it's moral based, and morals are more or less emotion based.

Shock value, laughing at the unexpected, that's what you mean by "Shock value" right? There are levels of deepness to emotion so not all emotional humor is weighted equally. Peceiving something will hurt you, but then it doesn't so you're brain laughs as a cool down from the stress. It tends to be the cause that nothing phases me, so it's rare for me to genuinely laugh from shock. I'm not very emotional, so this all makes sense.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Feelings are an Imprecise Sense

Senses are how organisms understand the world around them, and their own bodies. They
are precise, vivid, and immediate ways to obtain information.

Feelings are reactions to information that our mind has received through the senses or intuition. They are imprecise, vague, and not instantaneous ways for our minds to receive information.

Understanding a bit of sensory information is as clear as night and day, literally. With my sense of sight I can know with 100% certainty I'm seeing what I know to be "night".

Feelings are not precise. No words can accurately describe them. All descriptions of emotion are general and vague at best. Happy, Sad, angry, but anyone who's felt such emotions knows there are many forms of happiness, sorrow, and anger, and so the words used are not good enough. Words could be added into languages to describe emotions better, but even then they are not being described with precision, they are merely being categorized. The point is that feelings can't even closely convey information so easily as the senses can, but this doesn't mean they can't convey information.

While feelings aren't very precise, they are the quickest and arguably the least energy-consuming way to understand received or incoming information. Feelings can be completely wrong! They can be no where near the truth! No one should make important life decision based off of emotions alone. You'd get people kill, raped, murdered, and mugged! Yes, I'm exaggerating, but you get the point; Don't do it! So what are feelings good for then, isn't it better to make every decision based off of logic?

Yes, it would be, if that were possible for us to do! But we can't so it isn't. All across time, life has never been so simple, as to allow for their to always be one correct decision at all times. If we all had God like brains and knowledge, sure, every decision we'd make would be the best ones, but LIFE'S NOT THAT SIMPLE! What do I where to school today? I hate this question because there's not a clear best choose. I have to go with a gut feelings, and it sucks because I don't like having to use emotions to decide  ANYTHING because they're SO DANG UNCLEAR! So, we're all weak, lesser beings who have to use emotions to understand the world because our brains and knowledge pools aren't good enough, and that's the end of the story, right? WRONG! Get ready because here comes the nitty-gritty, the deep unwater recess that goes down to the lowest point of any and all oceans.

Feelings, Can, Be, Trained. They can be TRAINED! and fine-tuned, through careful introspective and attention to each individual emotion and how it differs from another, and this allows the introspective feeler to ACCURATELY UNDERSTAND information and USE and APPLY it. Being able to understand anything QUICKLY and ACCURATELY? That's pretty much a super power! And all I have to do is follow my gut feelings? Boy golly, I've been living my life the wrong way. Hohoho, oh, silly, Billy, don't you know things are never as simple as they appear to be? Didn't you read the part about Careful Introspection, and study it out in your mind? It takes work. It doesn't come easily. It's only with a lot of practice that a person can quickly and accurately use emotions to understand information, but the ability can be trained. Try it out sometime Billy.

Another caveat, Feelings can informed thusly in two distinct ways. They can inform us about what is external to ourselves, extroverted feeling, and they can inform us about what is internal to ourselves, introverted feeling. Extroverted Feeling, Fe, is good for decision making, and introverted feeling, Fi, is good for learning as it aids our understanding of concepts. Both, together, give the person a larger pool of information to draw on and a better understanding of that information. And that is pretty much why emotions are useful. They allow for an understand that otherwise could not have been easily achieved. Thinking and data collection take a lot of energy. It is emotions that separate human beings from computers.

Emotions allow us to learn, develop, and improve ourselves. So there you have it. Emotions are useful, and focusing on them is not a waste of time or energy, but is the building up of a great strength vital to every organism's survival. If  there was a information processing contest between a thinker and a feeler, and they both were equally trained and skilled in their respective field of thinking and feeling, then the feeler would outperform the thinker because he would be able to more quickly understand and process the information while still being accurate enough to not be completely wrong about all the information he/she process. Given enough testing, overtime the think would prove to process infomation more accurately and would be wrong about less, but he'd definitely be slower about processing, in fact if he tried to process the information quickly because he was losing the competition because he was going too, slow, he'd be extremely inaccurate because he had not trained his feeling side.

 So, it depends on what a person's role in life, what job they will have, and so forth. No one person is completely weak, no one person is completely strong, but everyone is balanced in some form, in some way. In fact, every person that is, ever was, and ever will be, equaled, out on, on net-balance, are equal. They are. All men are created equal. I believe this is true, so it isn't what a person is born with it is what they do with what they have that counts. No one is born superior, but we can become superior through effort. Even then it's not conclusive to being superior in all ways, but only in that one specific way because every action has a consequence; thus, every inaction must also have a consequence. So, no matter what a person decides to do, or not do, some result is being achieved.


Friday, May 31, 2013

Why people have the urge to socialize?

to have people help them survive, sort of. It depends on level of needs an individual is experiencing. Is a person experiencing starvation? Then, yes, they'll feel compelled, to get help, but if they can easily survive then the urge is to socialize is due to a desire to fulfill higher needs. Let me refer you to Maslow's Hierarchy of needs.'s_hierarchy_of_needs