Friday, June 14, 2013

Feelings are an Imprecise Sense

Senses are how organisms understand the world around them, and their own bodies. They
are precise, vivid, and immediate ways to obtain information.

Feelings are reactions to information that our mind has received through the senses or intuition. They are imprecise, vague, and not instantaneous ways for our minds to receive information.

Understanding a bit of sensory information is as clear as night and day, literally. With my sense of sight I can know with 100% certainty I'm seeing what I know to be "night".

Feelings are not precise. No words can accurately describe them. All descriptions of emotion are general and vague at best. Happy, Sad, angry, but anyone who's felt such emotions knows there are many forms of happiness, sorrow, and anger, and so the words used are not good enough. Words could be added into languages to describe emotions better, but even then they are not being described with precision, they are merely being categorized. The point is that feelings can't even closely convey information so easily as the senses can, but this doesn't mean they can't convey information.

While feelings aren't very precise, they are the quickest and arguably the least energy-consuming way to understand received or incoming information. Feelings can be completely wrong! They can be no where near the truth! No one should make important life decision based off of emotions alone. You'd get people kill, raped, murdered, and mugged! Yes, I'm exaggerating, but you get the point; Don't do it! So what are feelings good for then, isn't it better to make every decision based off of logic?

Yes, it would be, if that were possible for us to do! But we can't so it isn't. All across time, life has never been so simple, as to allow for their to always be one correct decision at all times. If we all had God like brains and knowledge, sure, every decision we'd make would be the best ones, but LIFE'S NOT THAT SIMPLE! What do I where to school today? I hate this question because there's not a clear best choose. I have to go with a gut feelings, and it sucks because I don't like having to use emotions to decide  ANYTHING because they're SO DANG UNCLEAR! So, we're all weak, lesser beings who have to use emotions to understand the world because our brains and knowledge pools aren't good enough, and that's the end of the story, right? WRONG! Get ready because here comes the nitty-gritty, the deep unwater recess that goes down to the lowest point of any and all oceans.

Feelings, Can, Be, Trained. They can be TRAINED! and fine-tuned, through careful introspective and attention to each individual emotion and how it differs from another, and this allows the introspective feeler to ACCURATELY UNDERSTAND information and USE and APPLY it. Being able to understand anything QUICKLY and ACCURATELY? That's pretty much a super power! And all I have to do is follow my gut feelings? Boy golly, I've been living my life the wrong way. Hohoho, oh, silly, Billy, don't you know things are never as simple as they appear to be? Didn't you read the part about Careful Introspection, and study it out in your mind? It takes work. It doesn't come easily. It's only with a lot of practice that a person can quickly and accurately use emotions to understand information, but the ability can be trained. Try it out sometime Billy.

Another caveat, Feelings can informed thusly in two distinct ways. They can inform us about what is external to ourselves, extroverted feeling, and they can inform us about what is internal to ourselves, introverted feeling. Extroverted Feeling, Fe, is good for decision making, and introverted feeling, Fi, is good for learning as it aids our understanding of concepts. Both, together, give the person a larger pool of information to draw on and a better understanding of that information. And that is pretty much why emotions are useful. They allow for an understand that otherwise could not have been easily achieved. Thinking and data collection take a lot of energy. It is emotions that separate human beings from computers.

Emotions allow us to learn, develop, and improve ourselves. So there you have it. Emotions are useful, and focusing on them is not a waste of time or energy, but is the building up of a great strength vital to every organism's survival. If  there was a information processing contest between a thinker and a feeler, and they both were equally trained and skilled in their respective field of thinking and feeling, then the feeler would outperform the thinker because he would be able to more quickly understand and process the information while still being accurate enough to not be completely wrong about all the information he/she process. Given enough testing, overtime the think would prove to process infomation more accurately and would be wrong about less, but he'd definitely be slower about processing, in fact if he tried to process the information quickly because he was losing the competition because he was going too, slow, he'd be extremely inaccurate because he had not trained his feeling side.

 So, it depends on what a person's role in life, what job they will have, and so forth. No one person is completely weak, no one person is completely strong, but everyone is balanced in some form, in some way. In fact, every person that is, ever was, and ever will be, equaled, out on, on net-balance, are equal. They are. All men are created equal. I believe this is true, so it isn't what a person is born with it is what they do with what they have that counts. No one is born superior, but we can become superior through effort. Even then it's not conclusive to being superior in all ways, but only in that one specific way because every action has a consequence; thus, every inaction must also have a consequence. So, no matter what a person decides to do, or not do, some result is being achieved.


Friday, May 31, 2013

Why people have the urge to socialize?

to have people help them survive, sort of. It depends on level of needs an individual is experiencing. Is a person experiencing starvation? Then, yes, they'll feel compelled, to get help, but if they can easily survive then the urge is to socialize is due to a desire to fulfill higher needs. Let me refer you to Maslow's Hierarchy of needs.'s_hierarchy_of_needs

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Route Cause of All Laughter

*Laughter Spoiler Alert* If you are concerned, that knowing what causes laughter will ruin it for you, then DON'T READ THIS!

The core reason any thought, perception, sight, whatever it is, is funny is due to two key components.

A firm belief in what is perceived to be normal, correct, or appropriate for a situation, and a supposition that contradicts what is perceived as normal, correct, or appropriate for that situation.

The feeling/experience of laughter is when something is perceived to contradict what the brain knows, so profoundly, that the body causes a chemical reactions to occur in order to tell us that what we just perceived is completely untrue.

So, the cow jumping over the moon is "utterly" false.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

What Truly Causes Rationals to Hate Sensors

It starts in childhood as the rational children try to interact with others but are unsuccessful because what comes to their mind to communicate or do for fun comes off as odd to other children since the sensors are always more prevalent in societies and do not easily accept what they perceive as an abnormality or significant difference in others.

The rationals may initially be depressed or morose about this; however, as they grow, and develop their personality more they are highly likely to conclude that the failure to connect with others is due to majority of children (sensors) being too stupid to interact with what the rational has to say and to do. This can turn into grandiosity, an unrealistic sense of superiority.

It isn't the case that sensors are less intelligent as commonly believed by rations. Sensors are very capably mentally. The key is that sensors and intuitives have different kinds of intelligence. One type of intelligence cannot be truly deemed the best. Anyone who says otherwise is looking at intelligence in a superficial way. On computers CPU , RAM, and memory storage are all very important. They are all useful and prudent for different tasks and different situations. The one aspect of a computer cannot be generalized to be worthless based off of one scenario. Large amounts of memory storage for example, will be useless to the common PC users, but suppose a business needs a computer to store records. Then, the memory storage is the most need aspect in that ONE SCENARIO, not all scenarios.

People relate to computers in this way. Each person has a unique type of intelligence. This allows for a diverse and prosperous society since every person has a role to fill that fits their natural strengths. Differences are not a valid reason to hate or think less of others. I enjoyed a world where more people understood this.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Memory Connects to People's Outward Behaviors

My long term memory is not as good as my short term memory, not by a long shot. My long term memories don't completely go away, but I have a hard time remembering things at an identified time to remember them unless it is vital for me to remember.  I forgot to bring an onion to make spicy chili because it required long term memory.
This is basically why I benefit greatly when I operate out of habit or routine.
I know that I don't lose the memories because as soon as I am reminded of them I remember them, but I basically am only focused on area of my memory at a time, I guess.
I observe that how a person's mind operates, will be outwardly manifested by their external actions and decisions, so a person does not need to speak to you in order for you to know how she thinks. Specific what I have observed, is how the people, of their own free will, choose to keep their room.
I'm an ISTJ with Si as my leading function. I know all my stuff is somewhere, but I don't know exactly where that stuff is off the top of my head. I have to search for it.
An INTJ has their room messy, but knows where everything is. The draw back is if the INTJ had his stuff moved around, he'll have a hard time finding anything, and will rip his hair out.
Artisans either have their room a complete mess and they lose stuff all the time or cannot find it, or they get tired of feeling cluttered so they dispose of as many belongings as they deem unnecessary. Artisans don't have the best memory's because they aren't good at holding onto information they don't use on a regular basis.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Ennegram, My life story, and how my Ne become very developed for an ISTJ

I don't believe the ennegram system is measuring born-with traits. I think it's describe how the born with personalities develop in different ways.

I, for example, can almost directly link the environment I was raised in and the events in my early life to having a lot of Ne development. An ENTP father that spoiled me and gave me a lot of attention, thus, he spent a lot of time with me, thus, there was a lot of time for him to rub off on me.

Then there's my mom who after around twenty years of marrriage to an ENTP and after raising five children before me; she was and is very Ne focused, so she raised me in a very Ne manner. A special blanket she made for me, had me watch a lot of different shows and movies as a kid, bought me a lot of toys and stuffed animals, took me to story time activities at the Sylan Oaks library, had me draw and do arts and crafts, and there are probably others.

Our family moved a lot so I learned how to be adaptive, and I experienced many differ cultures and people. I was born in New York and I learned their customs, as well as California customs. I moved 4 times in California alone, one time we lived in a camp ground for several weeks, and 3 recently, but that' not about my childhood development.

Oh, we can't forget all the video games that I played that had a lot of Ne put into making them. Nintendo games are very Ne flavorful.

Our family would go camping a lot, and every Saturday, or many Saturdays, my dad would find some place to take our family to go one a day trip and eat lunch or dinner out. We did a lot of activities on holidays, and Christmas was always magical for me. Every summer, our family would go on a week long vacation to some where special and do an activity that we normally would not such as going to Disney Land while staying at my sister's apartment, or doing to knot's berry farm and staying at a World Mark resort place in palm springs, a desert place with Joshua trees.

I was always helping with some project my dad was working on around the house doing assisting jobs such as holding nails or holding a flashlight.
I had to make a lot of new friends because they kept moving away.I had to adapt to a new school

There was always something going on that shook life up. It all affected my development as a person and has left me rather used to an eventful and changing life. I'm definitely much more extraverted intuition focused because of it.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Arrogance is commonly defined as : offensive display of superiority or self-importance; overbearing pride

I define it as: Believing one is correct without a thorough knowledge, or understanding.

In the Myers-Briggs system, an extrovert is someone who is externally focused while and introvert is someone who is internally focused. Both can be divided into two groups, Perceivers and Judgers. 

Perceivers focus on external information and internal decision making. This means that they will put off drawing a conclusion until they have enough information to be certain that conclusion is correct, and then they are only going to make the conclusion relate to themselves or to one thing because they would need to acquire more information before they could draw the same conclusion about someone  or something else.

Judgers are the opposite. They focus on internal information and external decision making. This means they will draw conclusions based off of information they already have and then later, if necessary, they will acquire more information.

How much perceivers put off conclusion, and how much judgers put off carefully acquiring information to make the right decision will depend on their level of arrogance.

If a perceiver is arrogant, they will believe they know what decision is the best for them to make at all times. This is why perceivers tend to be impulsive. If a perceiver is arrogant, they will believe they are aware of all the information that is presently available to them. Once a perceiver believes they have enough information, they will not hesitate to make decisions; thus, they impulsively act on the first thought that comes into their head.

If a judger is arrogant they will make decisions without considering new information. Judgers, can be known as people who are stubborn, inconsiderate, rash, and it all has to do with this. Quick judgements save time and energy, so it's very tempting to make them for judgers; however, one that is not arrogant will consider many different angles before reaching a single conclusion. The problem an arrogant judger will have, depends on their level of arrogance, : 1. Not considering new information at all when drawing conclusions, and 2. taking new information into consideration, but only acknowledging the information that reaffirms their judgements/conclusions.

A healthy, well rounded individual with avoid the pit-fall of arrogance. If you are a perceiver learn that even though the information may seem to clearly point to one course of action or conclusion, that you may be interpreting the information wrong. If you are a judger, learn that while the information you have seems to affirm your decision, you may be missing key bits of information that could alter your decision. All types are the risk of becoming arrogant, so all must be self aware and mindful.

Friday, March 1, 2013


ISTJs that's me!


Some things
-ISTJs will have the most approiate emotions while ESTPs with have the most appropriate reactions.

Our emotions are the most appropriate. What do I mean by that? Well, basically our functions go in the same order that the creation of emotions go in. Sensing, Thinking, Feeling. Emotions are terms reactions in objectivism. This means that they are the result of information we have received and analyzed which tells us how to respond. Si takes in information, Te processes, and Fi tells me what the information means for me. This is the reason why ISTJs are so dang practical, and resourceful. We can make good purchases because we take in the facts, think about them, and decide an items importance.

ESTPs will have the mos appropriate emotional reactions, or reactions in general sense emotions are the core basis for our decision when it all comes down to it. This is why ESTPs can be so smooth talking and good at scaring you. They see you before you see them, they are analyzing things quickly, and getting responses quickly. They are really good at disciplining children because they can talk the children into submission without ever having to be physically abusive. ISTJs just get forceful when disciplining. We can see the same things ESTPs see, usually, but we aren't good with words, or thinking on our feet so we use physical force. I have never harmed children, but I have quickly resorted to picking them up or physically preventing them from doing wrong.

-Everything sucks!
 The world is a horrible place we see all the problems in it and none of the good things because those good things are good, so what's the point in acknowledging such; problems, however, are worth mention because something must be done about them.

More to come later.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Why I, as an ISTJ, want to be with an ESFP

A relationship with an ISFJ would be a stable one, but that is not what I value the most. I am more interested in someone who challenges me; Someone who pushes me to grow in a way I probably would not if they never pushed me; Someone who will cause me to take a different path in life than I would otherwise have taken, and someone who I can cause to take a different path in life if they weren't with me. This is why I want an ESFP or maybe an ESTP.

We could say, that perceiving functions focus on what and judging functions focus on the how. For example an ISTJ would use Si to identify he is hungry, and he would use Te to decide he needs to eat spaghetti.

ESxPs and ISxJ with be traveling to different places in life.
ESFPs take the path to the right leading to a playground and I take the path to the left leading to a garden and the paths lead to different places. I like playgrounds some of the time, prefer gardens, and ESFPs enjoy gardens some of the time, but prefer playgrounds. If an ISxJ and an ESxP decide to travel together, they will have to comprise the where they wish to go. So basically ISTJs make the focus of life work, and ESFPS make the focus of life play. When two people with different focuses in life learn to widen there focus, the result is to make each person more rounded and able to handle different situations in life.

In the example of the ESFP and ISTJ, both would be able to see the value all diverging areas of focus if they spend their marriage learning from each other. The specific example is work and play, but this isn't the only way the two would improve.

If I, as an ISTJ, was to marry another ISTJ or an ISFJ, I would be able to grow less as a person because the ISxJs are going to be going to the same place (carrying on with my earlier metaphor). ISTJs ans ISFJ are both heading towards a garden, they just have different ways of getting there and they have preferences for different gardens. Te and Fe are the different paths and the different gardens. Both draw similar conclusions about life and will have similar goals, but their methods of arriving at those conclusions and their methods of reaching those goals with be different. So any compromises between an ISFJ and ISTJ would not cause either to go to a park some of the time and a garden at others, but a compromise would involve taking turns going to different gardens.

When faces a problem, the Te user's approach will be different than the Fe users approach. If the Te and Fe play strong roles in roles in a person's personality, a union of two such individuals is likely to cause arguing or one person dominating the other.
3 young nieces of mine. live with me. My approach to raising them is different than the approach of my sister, the mother. We are both strong Te/ Fe users, so our convictions about our approaches is very firm. Because of the firmness, it has caused arguing.

When approaches differ in marriage one partner must accept the others's solution. Solutions will work the best when they are mutually agreed upon. Some who enjoys making decisions is better off with someone who enjoys accepting decisions. Js go with Ps. J  to J will cause fighting and P to P with result in a shortage of decisions and solutions.
 There are some hole in my metaphor. Maybe a better example would be you cut two papers in half with a zig zag cut. There will be two paper halfs that are identical but they won't fit together naturally.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Information and Functions

Independently acting here is how the functions work. The perceiving functions (Se, Si, Ne, Ni) are about acquiring information, and the judging functions are about processing information.

Questions asked:What is this...? What is that?
Function: Observes the facts of a situation.

Questions asked: How does this past situation compare to this present situation? How do these past situations compare to each other.
Function: observe similarities between situations by comparing the facts of each.

Questions asked: What if ...? What if Spongebob was green instead of yellow?
Function: combine information. Take known objects or facts and combine in some way with another fact or object.

Questions asked: Why? What caused that to happen?
Function: compares facts and situations with other facts and situations to imagine the cause or reason.

Questions asked: What is the meaning of this? What is the point? What is the conclusion?
Function: makes an indirect connection of facts to a general conclusion.

Questions: How does this work? What makes this happen?
Function: makes a direct connection of facts to a specific conclusion.

Questions: What effect will this have ? Will this cause a negative or positive effect?
Function: .makes an indirect connection of facts to a general effect.

Questions: Will this be beneficial or harmful? Does this cause a reaction? Was that effective?
Function: makes a direct connection of facts to a specific effect.