Friday, June 14, 2013

Feelings are an Imprecise Sense

Senses are how organisms understand the world around them, and their own bodies. They
are precise, vivid, and immediate ways to obtain information.

Feelings are reactions to information that our mind has received through the senses or intuition. They are imprecise, vague, and not instantaneous ways for our minds to receive information.

Understanding a bit of sensory information is as clear as night and day, literally. With my sense of sight I can know with 100% certainty I'm seeing what I know to be "night".

Feelings are not precise. No words can accurately describe them. All descriptions of emotion are general and vague at best. Happy, Sad, angry, but anyone who's felt such emotions knows there are many forms of happiness, sorrow, and anger, and so the words used are not good enough. Words could be added into languages to describe emotions better, but even then they are not being described with precision, they are merely being categorized. The point is that feelings can't even closely convey information so easily as the senses can, but this doesn't mean they can't convey information.

While feelings aren't very precise, they are the quickest and arguably the least energy-consuming way to understand received or incoming information. Feelings can be completely wrong! They can be no where near the truth! No one should make important life decision based off of emotions alone. You'd get people kill, raped, murdered, and mugged! Yes, I'm exaggerating, but you get the point; Don't do it! So what are feelings good for then, isn't it better to make every decision based off of logic?

Yes, it would be, if that were possible for us to do! But we can't so it isn't. All across time, life has never been so simple, as to allow for their to always be one correct decision at all times. If we all had God like brains and knowledge, sure, every decision we'd make would be the best ones, but LIFE'S NOT THAT SIMPLE! What do I where to school today? I hate this question because there's not a clear best choose. I have to go with a gut feelings, and it sucks because I don't like having to use emotions to decide  ANYTHING because they're SO DANG UNCLEAR! So, we're all weak, lesser beings who have to use emotions to understand the world because our brains and knowledge pools aren't good enough, and that's the end of the story, right? WRONG! Get ready because here comes the nitty-gritty, the deep unwater recess that goes down to the lowest point of any and all oceans.

Feelings, Can, Be, Trained. They can be TRAINED! and fine-tuned, through careful introspective and attention to each individual emotion and how it differs from another, and this allows the introspective feeler to ACCURATELY UNDERSTAND information and USE and APPLY it. Being able to understand anything QUICKLY and ACCURATELY? That's pretty much a super power! And all I have to do is follow my gut feelings? Boy golly, I've been living my life the wrong way. Hohoho, oh, silly, Billy, don't you know things are never as simple as they appear to be? Didn't you read the part about Careful Introspection, and study it out in your mind? It takes work. It doesn't come easily. It's only with a lot of practice that a person can quickly and accurately use emotions to understand information, but the ability can be trained. Try it out sometime Billy.

Another caveat, Feelings can informed thusly in two distinct ways. They can inform us about what is external to ourselves, extroverted feeling, and they can inform us about what is internal to ourselves, introverted feeling. Extroverted Feeling, Fe, is good for decision making, and introverted feeling, Fi, is good for learning as it aids our understanding of concepts. Both, together, give the person a larger pool of information to draw on and a better understanding of that information. And that is pretty much why emotions are useful. They allow for an understand that otherwise could not have been easily achieved. Thinking and data collection take a lot of energy. It is emotions that separate human beings from computers.

Emotions allow us to learn, develop, and improve ourselves. So there you have it. Emotions are useful, and focusing on them is not a waste of time or energy, but is the building up of a great strength vital to every organism's survival. If  there was a information processing contest between a thinker and a feeler, and they both were equally trained and skilled in their respective field of thinking and feeling, then the feeler would outperform the thinker because he would be able to more quickly understand and process the information while still being accurate enough to not be completely wrong about all the information he/she process. Given enough testing, overtime the think would prove to process infomation more accurately and would be wrong about less, but he'd definitely be slower about processing, in fact if he tried to process the information quickly because he was losing the competition because he was going too, slow, he'd be extremely inaccurate because he had not trained his feeling side.

 So, it depends on what a person's role in life, what job they will have, and so forth. No one person is completely weak, no one person is completely strong, but everyone is balanced in some form, in some way. In fact, every person that is, ever was, and ever will be, equaled, out on, on net-balance, are equal. They are. All men are created equal. I believe this is true, so it isn't what a person is born with it is what they do with what they have that counts. No one is born superior, but we can become superior through effort. Even then it's not conclusive to being superior in all ways, but only in that one specific way because every action has a consequence; thus, every inaction must also have a consequence. So, no matter what a person decides to do, or not do, some result is being achieved.


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