Saturday, March 9, 2013

Ennegram, My life story, and how my Ne become very developed for an ISTJ

I don't believe the ennegram system is measuring born-with traits. I think it's describe how the born with personalities develop in different ways.

I, for example, can almost directly link the environment I was raised in and the events in my early life to having a lot of Ne development. An ENTP father that spoiled me and gave me a lot of attention, thus, he spent a lot of time with me, thus, there was a lot of time for him to rub off on me.

Then there's my mom who after around twenty years of marrriage to an ENTP and after raising five children before me; she was and is very Ne focused, so she raised me in a very Ne manner. A special blanket she made for me, had me watch a lot of different shows and movies as a kid, bought me a lot of toys and stuffed animals, took me to story time activities at the Sylan Oaks library, had me draw and do arts and crafts, and there are probably others.

Our family moved a lot so I learned how to be adaptive, and I experienced many differ cultures and people. I was born in New York and I learned their customs, as well as California customs. I moved 4 times in California alone, one time we lived in a camp ground for several weeks, and 3 recently, but that' not about my childhood development.

Oh, we can't forget all the video games that I played that had a lot of Ne put into making them. Nintendo games are very Ne flavorful.

Our family would go camping a lot, and every Saturday, or many Saturdays, my dad would find some place to take our family to go one a day trip and eat lunch or dinner out. We did a lot of activities on holidays, and Christmas was always magical for me. Every summer, our family would go on a week long vacation to some where special and do an activity that we normally would not such as going to Disney Land while staying at my sister's apartment, or doing to knot's berry farm and staying at a World Mark resort place in palm springs, a desert place with Joshua trees.

I was always helping with some project my dad was working on around the house doing assisting jobs such as holding nails or holding a flashlight.
I had to make a lot of new friends because they kept moving away.I had to adapt to a new school

There was always something going on that shook life up. It all affected my development as a person and has left me rather used to an eventful and changing life. I'm definitely much more extraverted intuition focused because of it.

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