Saturday, May 24, 2014

The 4 Caterogires of Humor based off of Myers Briggs 2 (Simpler)

Easier and simplier because why not, I talk about stuff here that I failed to talk about stuff in the other message, so Hooray, centive.

Humor can be put into four catergories.

1. Sensation
2. Intuition
3. Logic
4. Emotion

Reductio ad Absurdum (reduce to absurdity in Latin) is the root cause of all genuine laughter, but there is a shortcut. You can signal absurdity is to follow. This will trick your mind into laughing even at the statement or conclusion even if it's true, and it's all through abnormality. 

Abnormalities sticks out in the brain, and cause it to anticipate that absurdity is to follow. If you can successfully trigger this physical anticipation in the brain, then you can make someone laugh without observing an actual reductio ad absurdum. The statement or conclusion is true, but the person is laughing out of pure anticipation.

For all of these the idea is that you want to do something that differs from the perceived norm.

The Sensual Way

Convey abnormality through the senses.

-Visually: change how you look; e.g. animate your face or body with silly faces and gestures
Change how you sound; induce abnormality in.tone of voice, inflection, tempo, volume, and any others. e.g. high pitched voice, speed up chipmunk voice, slow deep voice
-Kinestectically: change how you move and behave e.g. crazy dancing

Any other sensual oddities, though most other senses such as taste or smell don't have language or communication based off of them. You're more than welcome to make a taste and smell based language, but it'd be impractical.

The Intuitive Way

Convey abnormality through interpretation and meaning

Sacrasm- mean the opposite of what you say

Irony/ Inappropriate Association- Two things that don't go together e.g duck in suit, cow eating a hamburger at McDonalds (Your favorite analogy.) reference jokes

Satire/Parody- indirectly say something is absurd. Satire is a reductio ad absurdum where the premises and conclusion are hinted at or implied rather than out right stated. Parody is satire through demonstration.

Spoonersyms, uh other ones

The Logic way

State logical fallacies

The Emotion Way

Surprise or Shock someone. This is the one type of humor that 95% of Google search articles say is the main and only reason we laugh. We laugh because we instinctively want to warn others of the perceived danger was false. e.g Spontaneous and random anything. Spongebob throughs Gary over the bathtub and he pops to the ground.


Unfitting emotion- Have too much or too little emotion for the situation. e.g. screaming at the tops of your lungs because you got a paper cut,  Win a millions dollars with confete and a cheering crowd yet have a unamused Squidward face.

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