Monday, May 26, 2014

Your Enneagram Fear can be Conquered

I'm don't believe that the negative fear aspect of enneagram always remains an  huge issue your whole life. In my experience once you conquer your fear it, it sort of stays dead and will only come back to life if you allow it.

I am an enneagram 1w9 or 9w1 and so one of my main fears is being flawed or morally corrupt. At the age of 14 I had to accept  two things that I considered major flaws at the time:
1. having a flawed appearence because of really bad acne and a newly realized crooked nose likely do to an trampoline accident as a kid. It didn''t show until my nose grew more.
2. I decided that I needed to confess certain sins to my mom and my bishop.

For the first one, my acne went away with accutane, but the crooked nose remained. It put me in a depressed and low self esteem spell for a few years, but I learned to not be so judgemental of others for their appearence, and to not care so much  if others found me odd looking.

The second one did bring me an intense amount of fear the first time I had to tell either of those, but after that I wasn't afraid to confess my sins to a Bishop at all or even a crowd of people or more if necessary.

It's the same way you overcome anyfear you face it head on. Like the fear of public speaking. Once you've done it a few times, the fear goes away.

If someone conquers their Enneagram fear. They become virtually untormented by it and much healthier. Then their enneagram just becomes the positive side, their key motivation, and then they are now able to focus on it.  

Perhaps, it's like Helen Keller and the moment she finally figured out the gestures her teacher placed in her hand, symbolized other objects. You're always going to be blind and deaf, but once you break through your barriers, they no longer hold you back and you are free to advance.

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